Dermatologically Tested Face Cream is the Safest Way to Skin Care

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Dermatologically Tested Face Cream is the Safest Way to Skin Care

Dermatologically Tested Face Cream is the Safest Way to Skin Care


Dermatologically Tested Face Cream is the Safest Way to Skin Care

When buying skin care products, it is important that you buy products that have been certified as clinically safe for the skin. Nevertheless, there are certain makers that can help you differentiate between safe and unsafe skin care products, and one of those makers is a certification saying "Dermatologically tested".

Dermatologically Tested Face Cream is the Safest Way to Skin Care

What do you check for when buying skincare products for yourself and your loved ones? Do you stop at the brand name and the skin conditions the product treats? Or do you go the extra mile to ensure that the product is safe and suitable for the skin?

When buying skin care products, it is important that you buy products that have been certified as clinically safe for the skin. Nevertheless, there are certain makers that can help you differentiate between safe and unsafe skin care products, and one of those makers is a certification saying "Dermatologically tested".


What does dermatologically tested mean?

In a broad sense, the word dermatologically tested means that the product has been tested or signed off by a dermatologist as safe for use on the skin. Because Dermatologists are experts on all things skin, many skincare companies work with in-house dermatologists or on a contract basis to test and certify that their products are safe to be used.

However, the generally accepted meaning of the phrase dermatologically tested requires that the product was tested and found to have passed the following benchmarks:

  • The product was tested on human skin
  • The product was safe when applied to various skin types
  • The finished product didn't cause skin reactions or any adverse side effects on the tested individuals

Any product subjected to the above benchmarks successfully has been truly dermatologically tested. But wait, there's more. Apart from being dermatologically tested, you can also check if the product you're buying is cruelty and allergy-free.

For instance, our dermatologically tested face creams at BSKIN also bear cruelty and allergy-free checkmarks. We used an all-natural formula to develop our products without including harmful chemicals and preservatives.

Moreover, we worked with experts all over the world to ensure that our products were allergy-free to all skin types, and we ensured that our skin tests were carried out on only human skin.


How can you identify if the ingredients in natural skincare products are safe?

With the myriad of skincare companies out there making various purported claims, choosing a good and safe product for your skin can be an arduous journey. Nonetheless, there are certain things you can look out for that can help you distinguish safe products from unsafe ones.

  1. Safety certifications

The safety certifications are the first things to check out in any product. Is the product dermatologically tested? Is it allergy and cruelty-free? And more importantly, is it suitable for my skin type. If the product answers these questions positively, then you can move on to the ingredients.

      2. Ingredients

What are the ingredients that were used to make the product? Was it made from all-natural ingredients, or does it contain chemical preservatives? Chemical preservatives in skin care products have been shown to cause harmful side effects on the skin, which often go unnoticed.

We consulted with various experts in the skincare industry and put together a list of some of the ingredients to watch out for in your products. Some of them include:

  • Phenoxyethanol: Can lead to skin irritation
  • PABA: causes allergic reactions and increases the risk of sunburn
  • Parabens: skincare preservatives that lead to increased estrogen production and interferes with the brain and reproductive function
  • Paraffin: can lead to clogged skin pores and breakouts
  • Formaldehyde: has been associated with hair loss, asthma, neurotoxicity, and developmental toxins.
  • Diethanolamine: A respiratory toxin that has been linked with the development of cancerous cells.
  • Polyethylene Glycol (PEG): Causes cancer, respiratory disorders, strips off natural oil from the skin, and leads to abnormal sebum production.

Due to the harmful effects of these chemicals, we used an all-natural formulation comprising of high-quality natural ingredients to create our skincare products. For example, our dermatologically tested face creams are made from ingredients that are safe and nourishing to the skin, including:

  • Honey: Nourishes and hydrates the skin
  • Royal Jelly: Possesses anti-aging properties
  • Propolis: Touted for its antibacterial and antifungal properties
  • Pollen: Contains the necessary nutrients for a rich and glowing skin

Once you have vetted the ingredients, it's time to look at what previous customers had to say about the product.

  • Reviews

Reviews help to certify the claims the manufacturer made about their products. Look out for reviews from customers who bought the products in the past. Read what they had to say and compare the comments from different customers.

 A safe and good product will always have greater positive reviews than negative reviews from customers.

As a testament to the quality of our products, you can check out what customers had to say about our products.


What type of skin are dermatologically tested products for?

Most companies claim that their dermatologically tested products are suitable for all skin types. Though it might be true in some cases, it's not always accurate most times. At Bskin, we tested our products across the different variations of skin types to ensure that it’s suitable for everyone.

However, even though our products have been certified suitable for all skin types, we went ahead to categorize our products by skin concern, skin type, and by line to give you laser focus when selecting the appropriate product for your skin. All our products have been tried, tested, and clinically proven to lead to positive results on the skin.


Why BSKIN products

Since 2005, over 595 cosmetic companies have declared using 88 chemicals in more than 73,000 products. The chemicals in those products have been shown to cause various harmful side effects in the body, including cancer, birth defects, or reproductive harm, giving the user more problems than they additionally had before purchase.

We considered this information when we formulated our skincare products because we know first-hand the harm these chemicals can cause to the skin. That's why we created an all-natural line of skincare products powered by our B20 -potent bee-based formula.

We took nature's most powerful antioxidant substances and synthesized them in a way that promotes harmony, balance, and synergy. Our confidence lies in the fact that all our products are dermatologically tested, allergy-free, and proven by various customers to remedy the conditions they were created for.

 So, get in touch with us today; let's help you achieve the radiant and glowing skin you desire. Reach your skincare goals today!